The Bonsai Society of Western Australia Inc.

Club Member Badge - Current members only

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The Bonsai Society of WA asks that all members own a badge and wear it to club events. This helps to facilitate easy introductions and socializing at club events and makes it easier for newer members to join in. If you are ordering multiple badges in one order, please provide the full name of all people that require badges. When you purchase a badge, we will add your name to the next batch of badges to be printed - we order multiple badges at once for a discount, to keep the price down for club members. There can at times be a delay in getting your badge printed if we need to wait for enough badge orders to be placed. Once a batch of badges has been printed, the treasurer will bring all badges to the Monthly club meetings until picked up. =================================================================== Please note: If you are not a current member of the Bonsai Society of WA and place an order for a member badge, your order will be refunded and cancelled. ===================================================================

© The Bonsai Society of Western Australia Inc.

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